1.   There is a risk that the crisis may spread further.

2.   Although other Latin American currencies fell, the crisis did not spread to Asia.

3.   As the Asian economic crisis has spread to engulf Russia and to threaten Latin America all talk of a Fed rate increase has disappeared.

4.   At a joint press conference with Clinton, Chretien also tried to play down fears that the economic crisis will spread.

5.   But as the crisis has spread around the world it has taken on several frightening new dimensions, according to analysts.

6.   But now many experts fear the debt crisis is spreading beyond investment trusts.

7.   But once the Asian economic crisis spread to Russia last August, that market evaporated.

8.   But the current fiscal crisis has spread sacrifice throughout the city, particularly among poor families and the middle class that depends on services.

9.   Contrary to warnings by the administration, the crisis did not spread to other states.

10.   Fear that the Mexican crisis could spread to the rest of Latin America is also weighing on the dollar.

n. + spread >>共 1255
disease 4.98%
cancer 4.02%
fire 3.95%
word 3.82%
air 2.35%
rumor 2.30%
virus 2.21%
violence 1.79%
news 1.39%
protest 1.39%
crisis 0.98%
crisis + v. >>共 514
be 18.74%
begin 5.46%
have 2.52%
erupt 2.44%
hit 2.34%
end 2.30%
come 2.20%
force 2.09%
lead 1.99%
affect 1.58%
spread 1.11%
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